Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Ice Queen

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Rush, rush, rush

Friday, January 26, 2007
Conflict and Compromise

These are two things that are present in most relationships. The question is, how balanced are they? It's never good for there to be more of one than the other and definitely not coming from one person more than another. I personally think that you haven't truly bonded with a person until you've had your first fight, and made up. I can't even really call you a good friend until we've fought at least one time.
I am a very non-confrontational person. I absolutely HATE to argue. It just makes me uneasy. Now don't take that to mean that I'm passive - no no no. If there is something I feel strongly enough about, I will argue my point when necessary - but most times I like to find a resolution to the problem without anger and frustration. That's what bothers me. I like to discuss things like two (or however many) rational people - not a bunch of screaming idiots.
My question is, when there is conflict and you want to come to some sort of compromise, but you and the other person are so extremely opposed to each other's solution, how much compromise can be made? Any compromise would leave the other person feeling like they lost out, and that's never a good feeling. It's one thing to do something to make someone else happy because you care about them, but making someone else happy at the expense of your own happiness is something I just can't condone and I never will (unless it's like your kid or something, then there are exceptions). You know what I'm saying though? Like, how much can you give in before you feel like you gave up and lost?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Pieces of me

I don't like to show all the good parts to everyone all the time, because I hate it when people fall in love with me. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. My tolerance for people is not very high, so I like to keep most people at a comfrotable distance. If I show them my goods, they want to be around me all the time and I'm too tempermental for all that. I love my close friends and family, but that's all I have room for - sorry. But who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll feel different.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Fear Factor

I am indecisive, non-confrontational and slightly self-absorbed - but all of these are basically because I just want to be happy.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Something's not right.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hello, my name is Coco - and I'm a chocoholic.
*Hi Coco*
So I've realized that I really do have an addiction to chocolate. It's not even that it's a chocolate addiction, but it's sugar - and chocolate just happens to be my substance of choice. After every meal, I NEED a piece of chocolate. I won't feel right without it. I re-discovered this problem last week, so I decided to try and break the addiction. I ate every meal and did NOT have any chocolate afterwards. And you know what......I survived. After a few days, I didn't even crave it anymore.
Now this is a new week and my period is about to come on soon, so all bets are off and chocolate is back in the mix.
I think this addiction is not so bad though. It doesn't interfere in my daily life, hasn't caused me to lose lots of money or ruin my relationships (or my figure *wink*), so maybe I have it under control. One thing I will say it has caused is stains. Since I need it everyday, I try to keep it handy. I usually keep it at home, at work, in my purse, and I used to keep it in the car until I opened my glove box and it was all melted. See, that's where the problem comes in. I've had melted chocolate in my purse, on my bedspread, towels, couch, clothes and everything else. Chocolate stains are not pretty. It looks like doodoo, and is hard to get out if you don't pretreat and wet right away. So, I will work on the stains, but as for my addiction - can't stop, won't stop.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Is it the way....

Monday, January 8, 2007
"Weeee, can't be friends...."

Friday, January 5, 2007
Deja Vu

Without thinking that you're there
Seems like you're everywhere, it's true
Gotta be having Deja Vu'
Cause in my mind I want you here
Get on the next plane, I don't care
Is it because I'm missing you
That I'm having Deja Vu!
Boy, I try to catch myself
But I'm out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing
I can't let it go..."
That pretty much sums it up. Not that I think he's everywhere I go, but I wish he was. It's Friday and I want to go on a date. My date partner is 956.64 miles away. This long distance thing is crazy. Hopefully if everything works out, I will be closer soon. Then I'll have everything I want: good family, friends, job and man all within reach. *sigh* In due time......
Thursday, January 4, 2007

One thing I can't stand is for someone I care about to be upset or done wrong. It's one thing if I'm the one that upset them - then, well....that's different. I can apologize and we can move on. But if someone else does it - I want to physically hurt them in order for them for feel the same pain my loved one has felt. I remember one time when I was little, my grandmom won the lottery; it was a small amount, but she went to collect it from the store where she bought the ticket. She said the lady (or man, whoever) gave her a hard time and wouldn't give her the money. I wanted to go down there and kick that cashier's teeth down their throat! Now my grandmom is a grown woman and can take up for herself just fine, but I still remember the rage I felt. It hasn't stopped yet.
So when I heard about a certain individual doing my loved one dirty - AGAIN - I was heated. I want to tear him apart limb by limb, but I know this isn't feasible. I just don't understand people sometimes. I said that before didn't I? Well, it's because I really don't! Now what I do understand is that sometimes, your feelings will get hurt. It happens to everybody. What doesn't need to happen is for your feelings to be played with, tossed around, then thrown in the street like trash. Nobody deserves that - well he does now that he's done this again. I believe in karma and he will definitely get his. Maybe he is getting it right now and this situation that he chose to put himself in is what he deserves. This situation really has nothing to do with me, so I can only vent my anger here and K.I.M. I just hate when selfishness and stupidity come in one spineless, fat, stupid package and get dropped of at your doorstep and you're left dealing with the repercussions. Ugh.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Poppin bottles and cherries in the '07

Ok, so this is my first blog. I don't really do this because I'm too lazy to get all my thoughts out on...paper? No, in a blog. Whatever. I do have a lot to say though. I'll start here.
There's a quote from Roseanne that goes "I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, that's why I don't like none of them." I rememebered that ever since I was younger because I felt the exact same way. I feel like I have a REALLY good perception of people's character and overall aura and vibe. You know the saying real recognizes real - it's true. And even beyond that, real recognizes fake too. I get vibes from people as soon as I meet them, and there's little they can do to change the way I feel about them once that vibe sets in. Now, it's up to me to act accordingly once I pick up on said vibe, but I'm learning as I get older how to deal with certain people. You ever meet somebody or see somebody and just think "I don't like them." or "He/she seems really nice." I do that with everybody I meet and I'm coming to realize that I'm usually right. If I don't like you, it's for good reason even if I don't know it yet. Now there has been the occasion where I got blindsided by a long term friend who switches up on you and you don't even see the knife being thrown into your back - but this is rare and since we met when we were young, my skills weren't fully developed and I couldn't determine good from evil from jumpstreet. Another example is my ex. When I met him, my mind said "ooh girl, he is NO good for you." But I messed with him anyway just because - and look how that turned out
But I digress. Can I turn this into a career somehow? I think I'm really good at it, but I don't know how I can use it for a good purpose. Maybe in HR or something. I just need to be a hiring manager so I can put people where they belong. I need to put this power to good use!
Hasta luego mis amigos!!