Ok, so this is my first blog. I don't really do this because I'm too lazy to get all my thoughts out on...paper? No, in a blog. Whatever. I do have a lot to say though. I'll start here.
There's a quote from Roseanne that goes "I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, that's why I don't like none of them." I rememebered that ever since I was younger because I felt the exact same way. I feel like I have a REALLY good perception of people's character and overall aura and vibe. You know the saying real recognizes real - it's true. And even beyond that, real recognizes fake too. I get vibes from people as soon as I meet them, and there's little they can do to change the way I feel about them once that vibe sets in. Now, it's up to me to act accordingly once I pick up on said vibe, but I'm learning as I get older how to deal with certain people. You ever meet somebody or see somebody and just think "I don't like them." or "He/she seems really nice." I do that with everybody I meet and I'm coming to realize that I'm usually right. If I don't like you, it's for good reason even if I don't know it yet. Now there has been the occasion where I got blindsided by a long term friend who switches up on you and you don't even see the knife being thrown into your back - but this is rare and since we met when we were young, my skills weren't fully developed and I couldn't determine good from evil from jumpstreet. Another example is my ex. When I met him, my mind said "ooh girl, he is NO good for you." But I messed with him anyway just because - and look how that turned out
But I digress. Can I turn this into a career somehow? I think I'm really good at it, but I don't know how I can use it for a good purpose. Maybe in HR or something. I just need to be a hiring manager so I can put people where they belong. I need to put this power to good use!
Hasta luego mis amigos!!
yeah. i am addicted already!
i think it's wonderful for you to put those powers to good use. what did you think when you first met me?
Wow, that was great and you are correct. I like your vibes and for me and my problems you have been correct.
Look at Darryl LOL.
Continue to write, it was a good first time.
How do i do pictures???
yeaaahh.. I mean coo I like it, I"m almost jealous your page looks better than mines. Somebody help me.
You are right. You are good at that. I really like the advice you me. I'm going to start bring all boyfriends around you first.
Thanks guys! Wow, I like comments! This is fun!! :)
Well - Octoberwildchild, I thought you were a nice quiet girl when I first met you - so I was wrong, but I was younger then and didn't know any better. After awhile I got the vibe that you were good hearted and energetic.
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