I love that song by Ashlee Simpson.
There are many peices of me and unless you've spent every moment of my life with me, you will never see them all. I'm sitting here listening to my ipod at work and a song came on that made me happy. I had this goofy smile on my face and started bopping in my seat. I just had to laugh at how silly I looked. This is why I'm my own best friend (and my own worst enemy) cuz I can act any way I want to without having to explain myself or apologizing for my actions.
I can be silly.
I can be snotty.
I can be sensitive.
I can be a bitch.
I can be soft.
I can be hard.
I can be innocent.
I can be evil.
I can be anything I want to be at any moment.
I don't like to show all the good parts to everyone all the time, because I hate it when people fall in love with me. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. My tolerance for people is not very high, so I like to keep most people at a comfrotable distance. If I show them my goods, they want to be around me all the time and I'm too tempermental for all that. I love my close friends and family, but that's all I have room for - sorry. But who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll feel different.
it's been over ten days, girl you better make time for this, i need to be kept informed!!
yes, you can be so many things but overall your personality is very laid-back, fun and easy-going. tis why i luv ya!!
and no, she isn't lying about people falling in love with her. it's that one dimple, yo!
LMAO!! Work is kicking my arse! I hardly have time for much anymore, but I will do my best to keep you guys well informed. I miss yall!!
Yeah and she aint even that cute
but I guess you HAWT!
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