Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well hello there!

Hi Autumn! Nice to see you again. I missed you - a little. No, I'm playing, I did miss you. And maybe it's been so long since I've seen you that I can't remember what you look like. I don't remember you looking like Winter. I mean, I know you are really close so sometimes the more you hang together, you start to pick up each other's traits (like you did with Summer) but still! I mean, why is it freezing? I mean, literally - it's 32 degrees outside right now. OK, sure it's going up to 64 later, but I have a FALL jacket, for FALL weather - not a Winter coat for Fall. That just doesn't make any sense. I guess I'll adjust. I have no choice really. I think you spoiled me a little earlier when it was just so warm that I forgot what cold felt like. And for the first time, I found myself missing Florida. I know nothing compares to being closer to the people I love most - but that warm weather sure gave those folks a run for their money! If only I could convince them all to move down south. No - I am a Northern city girl at heart and could never become a permanent Southern Belle.

Anyway - good to see you. You are by far one of the prettiest seasons, I must say. I didn't get to see that in Florida that's for sure. I hope you stay around for awhile and give me some time before Winter shows up - I need to psychologically and fashionably prepare myself.

By the way - when is the SATC movie coming out? I can't remember and I'm anxious!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Why does candy taste better when I eat it from my left hand, but chips taste better when I eat them with my right?

Why do people hear what you say to them, but they don't listen?

Why when I have my own opinion/tastes/values/priorities and just because they are different than yours - they are perceived as wrong?? IT'S MINE, NOT YOURS - DOESN'T EFFECT YOU IN ANY WAY!!!!

Why can't I eat what I want and not gain weight?

Why do I care so much about gaining weight??

Why do they sell stuff that's bad for you, if they know it's bad for you?

Why do we care so much about expensive cars, clothes and jewelry?

Why are people obsessed with celebrities?

Why did they get rid of the BookIt program with Pizza Hut?

Why are people so mean?

Why am I asking these stupid questions?

Monday, October 8, 2007

She's a B*tch....

I feel like being really, really mean today. Let me tell you why. I had a pretty ok weekend, interesting and unpredictable, but I shopped and I had the equivalent of a shopping orgasm so I'm happy. But let me tell you why I'm mad son...I watched Desperate Housewives last night and relaxed, fell asleep between 11:00 pm and 12:00 am - and woke up at 5:00 am. THAT'S WHY I'M MAD! I was so angry when that alarm went off - I don't know if I was angrier that I woke up at 4:53 am and KNEW I only had 7 more minutes, or that I had to wake up at 5:00 am period.

Somebody else won the mega millions jackpot - again. It wasn't me so I'm not happy about that.

At least I have a lot of meetings today so the day should go by fast.

I'm balding on this one spot in my hair, so I decided to try and give my hair a break from scarves and stress but now I have this wack ponytail and it looks dumb. At least I'm cute - today anyway.

Why does my banana look old - I just got it.

I am so looking forward to this weekend it's ridiculous. Why the eff do I have to deal with the rest of the week - can't we just skip right to Friday?

I had a fabulous happy hour on Thursday - I wish I could go out more.

Dang, this coffee is really making me warm.

I wish I cursed more. I wish I could curse at everybody like it was normal and ok. I would love to do that. I want to reply to everything that anybody says to me today with a simple "f*ck you."

Co-worker: Hey, you going to the meeting?

Me: F*ck you.

Co-worker: What time you going to lunch?

Me: F*ck you.

Co-worker: How was your weekend? Do anything fun!?

Me: F*ck you.

See! Wouldn't that be fun!!!??

I feel like going home and watching movies all day. I had a headache all weekend, probably because I knew I had to come back to work today and a lot of people have off. They suck.

***DISCLAIMER*** I love life, I love living it, I love having it. I wouldn't change a thing. I thank God for all my blessings and am grateful to be here and be healthy and happy. I just feel like being a bitch today - can I live??