Thursday, October 25, 2007


Why does candy taste better when I eat it from my left hand, but chips taste better when I eat them with my right?

Why do people hear what you say to them, but they don't listen?

Why when I have my own opinion/tastes/values/priorities and just because they are different than yours - they are perceived as wrong?? IT'S MINE, NOT YOURS - DOESN'T EFFECT YOU IN ANY WAY!!!!

Why can't I eat what I want and not gain weight?

Why do I care so much about gaining weight??

Why do they sell stuff that's bad for you, if they know it's bad for you?

Why do we care so much about expensive cars, clothes and jewelry?

Why are people obsessed with celebrities?

Why did they get rid of the BookIt program with Pizza Hut?

Why are people so mean?

Why am I asking these stupid questions?

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