You ever have one of those days, where it seems like something is wrong but you don't know what? Yeah, well that's today. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something is off. I can speculate as to what the cause of this uneasiness is, but I really don't know.
Is it work? Hormones? Family? Friends? Lover(s)? - Just kidding, there's only one. I really don't know.
Maybe the lady at work put something in the brownies she made today. I knew I shouldn't have eaten it - I don't even like nuts.
I hope it passes. I just want to have an easy day - I don't need this mess.
I have those feelings where im growing up too fast and i feel really weird.
Its almost an unbalanced feeling.
Go outside
Yeah, maybe I need to take a walk. Thanks.
i hate days like that. i always have the feeling i forgot something somewhere. it's the worst.
maybe you aren't regular. eat some prunes.
No - it's not that kind of feeling but ok, thanks! Lol.
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