Hello, my name is Coco - and I'm a chocoholic.
*Hi Coco*
So I've realized that I really do have an addiction to chocolate. It's not even that it's a chocolate addiction, but it's sugar - and chocolate just happens to be my substance of choice. After every meal, I NEED a piece of chocolate. I won't feel right without it. I re-discovered this problem last week, so I decided to try and break the addiction. I ate every meal and did NOT have any chocolate afterwards. And you know what......I survived. After a few days, I didn't even crave it anymore.
Now this is a new week and my period is about to come on soon, so all bets are off and chocolate is back in the mix.
I think this addiction is not so bad though. It doesn't interfere in my daily life, hasn't caused me to lose lots of money or ruin my relationships (or my figure *wink*), so maybe I have it under control. One thing I will say it has caused is stains. Since I need it everyday, I try to keep it handy. I usually keep it at home, at work, in my purse, and I used to keep it in the car until I opened my glove box and it was all melted. See, that's where the problem comes in. I've had melted chocolate in my purse, on my bedspread, towels, couch, clothes and everything else. Chocolate stains are not pretty. It looks like doodoo, and is hard to get out if you don't pretreat and wet right away. So, I will work on the stains, but as for my addiction - can't stop, won't stop.
i've got problems just like you. so come and let me give you a hug. -missy
hi coco. my name is naz t. and i'm addicted to sex. fortunately for me i've found a remedy. it's called graduate school.
good luck with this.
Lol. Your addiciton is worse though! Eventually you'll be done school - and then what???
HAHHAHH two silly women.....
Whats my addiction????
i dunno... coming into work late and getting fired? my addiction will lead me to a life of homelessness. yours will just lead to debt cuz you have to buy new things to replace all the chocolate-stained items.
dee your addiction is... people!!!
you know too many fucking people.
Lol. She's addicited to people!!
Don't get fired though. That's not good.
I dont know a lot of people.....
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