So it's funny - during the conversation when we mentioned kids, he said to me "Once you have kids, your career won't mean as much to you anymore - your priorities change." and I had two reactions to this statement. 1.) WTF you mean my career won't matter to me as much!? This is how I plan on financially supporting my family and I want them to want for nothing! I have to be concerned about my career if I want to be able to take care of my dang kids! Don't give me that mess just because I'm a woman!! 2.) You're darn right my career won't matter as much! I already have things in my life NOW that come before my career - so my own flesh and blood kids that come from my loins - - they will most definitely come before this or any other job!! So instead of blurting out either of these thoughts, I just smiled and nodded. He also suggested in a fatherly manner that I finish grad school before having kids - uuh, that's not for another 4 years and I have a plan Sir. See, this is when opening up too much comes back to bite you in the arse. NOW, if I have a baby before I finish school, I'll feel like I let him down. Ultimately I don't care, but I hate that feeling in the interim. All I could think was "Alicia does it!!". I wanted to say that to him, but again - smile and nod.
I was so fired up about being able to accomplish it all, that now I feel I have something to prove. So then, once I got home around 8:00, I wanted to hurry up and make dinner so I could hurry up and relax so I could hurry up and go to sleep (only to hurry up and feel like I am waking up 10 minutes later). Normally my boyfriend takes a shower, I cook, we eat, I take a shower. Last night though, on my hurry up plan, I decided I didn't want to wait - so he jumped in the shower, I started dinner, timed it just right, I jumped in the shower then came back and finished cooking. He just came out the shower when I was saying "dinner's ready!" He looked at me and said "WTF - you Superwoman or something!?"
Smile and nod.

i laughed... i cried...
yes, you can do it all. consistently over years it gets harder though. so hmmmmmmm having a baby while in grad school is easier if you are living with the dad. it's entirely possible, but undeniably stressful. it's easy for me cuz phillip is 4 and can feed and dress and play by himself. but life is about struggle and struggle builds character. if your clock is ticking, listen to it... but you didn't hear that from me!
Lol - thanks. That means a lot coming from another Superwoman!
You can do anything you put your mind to. I definitely want you to have a family and I know you'll be able to balance everything but I feel like it probably is best to wait till you finish school or at least till you're almost done school ;)
Either way, you'll have plenty of support!!
I started a whole different post but decided on this "you know your own limits" if you and O can handle a baby while you got to school go right ahead.
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