I hate
I hate
Yeah, yall know what I'm talkin bout - with their sexy asses.
I hate
Yeah, yall know what I'm talkin bout - with their sexy asses.
I hate the sweet text messages that make you smile, I hate the deep voice that soothes you at night and says just the right things. I even hate the hugs they give you that make you feel all warm and soft. GOD I hate them so much. Why can't they just go away and stop causing me grief!
What I hate most about men, is that I love them so much. Why? Why do I love them and I hate them? F*ck. I'm screwed for life....hopefully, lol.
yes girl... ooooooooooooooh i loathe their sexiness. it makes me so mad, they be lookin so fine all up in your face making you smile and get all juicy inside. damnit! damnit damnit damnit! we are HERE! *points at eyes*
I knew you would feel what I'm sayin!
Cant live with them and cant live without them.
So you just sit there and do the crazy laugh, the one out the blue. It makes you feel better.
HAhahaha Bwaahahah!!! <---creazy laugh
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