You know, there is nothing that can compare to the love from a woman. Whether it be your mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin, or friend - women are the most loving people on this earth. Without even having to say anything, a woman who knows you well enough will know what to say to you to make you happy, make you cry, make you laugh or whatever the situation may call for.
I really try to cherish the women in my life and appreiciate them as much as I can. I know who to call when I have problems with work, food, men or other friends - and I know who to call when I need to cry, vent or laugh. I am so lucky to have supportive women in my life who are in tune with my feelings and emotions so that we can communicate without having to use many words. It feels good to know what to expect and to be able to relate to another person in such a way that you both know what needs to be said (or not said) in order to get the point across.
Thanks ladies. Luv u!!
luv u too, boo
Holllaaa back
luv you to scrap
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