Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I was talking with a co-worker of mine yesterday. She's a few years younger and less experienced in life, love, and careers which is one of the reasons I talk to her - to give her some insight from my own experiences. So we were discussing her no-good cheating man and another male friend of ours:

Her: So he's a cheater too!!!??? He's no good??

Me: Please girl, what men are?

Her: NO! Don't say that! I still have hope that there are good ones out there.

Me: I don't. Sadly.

Her: Well, what about YOUR man? Is he good? You still have hope with him right?

Me: Honestly.......ok, yeah I guess. But let me be real with you - I HOPE he doesn't cheat on me. What I HOPE more, is that if he does I NEVER find out.

Her: I heard that.

But now I'm questioning myself. How much ignorance is really bliss? I mean, I'm not talking about having hard evidence and being in denial - but I'm more talking about do you just go off of faith and trust and hope, or do you go a little deeper and casually check on things to make sure everything is all good? Like is going through a cell phone an invasion of privacy, or a security measure? Popping up at a place you'll know he'll be - stalking or surprise inspection? To what extent do we just let things go? How long should you have blind faith?

I guess if there aren't any signs and no instinctual feelings of dishonesty, then you should leave well enough alone - but......


Unforgettable Moments said...

well, i think you go with your gut which people ignore alot.But when you find yourself looking and then seraching and finally hunting for stuff, its a sign that you arent comfortable in your relationship anymore. Time to reevaulate things, seriously.


I totally agree. Go with your gut. Usually if there are no signs of dishonesty then your gut might stay settled. But when you get that rumble in your stomach, a few surprise inpsections may be all you need to settle it.

octoberwildchild said...

you can tell if someone is unfaithful by their actions. as long as you don't have your head in the clouds but dont come into it with trust issues, you'll notice differences and sneakiness. in the meantime enjoy the security of your relationship.

tigerlily said...

This was a good blog..
Ignorance is bliss but I don't believe that trusting in someone means you're being ignorant unless that individual doesn't deserve your trust. Snooping around isn't the way to do it either. Eventually all dirt will come out in the wash and as my mom always said When you go looking for hurt, you'll find it. So I guess what I'm really trying to say is trust whole heartedly in someone that hasn't given you any reaseon to not trust them. If things go sour, your intuition will let you know so there's no need to play P.I. lol!

Scrilla said...

Thank you all!! I will try to open my heart and trust....