I never thought I was a spoiled brat until 2006 around my birthday. I was turning 25 and I wanted to go celebrate at a particular place. When the place told me I couldn't celebrate there and there was nothing I could do about it - I darn near had a conniption! And I felt bad about it because I felt like I was pouting for something minor, and I felt like a

The fact is - I don't like to be disappointed, I don't like my plans to be changed and I don't like for someone to tell me no. I mean, who does? But for some odd reason I have been taking those challenges really hard in recent times. When I was younger, either I didn't care as much, didn't get disappointed as much, or rarely got told no. Whatever the case may be, I never felt like a spoiled brat until NOW. Out of all of my flaws, this one bothers me most because it affects my mood and behavior extremely. I want to stop.
This week has been rough on me for numerous reasons. And the overall picture is that I am truly, truly blessed - so I have no real reason to complain. But when issue after issue was arising everyday, I felt like my world was crumbling and it took real effort to say "This is not THAT bad - it will pass, you are blessed, so cut it out." And I almost feel like I'm in some sort of movie or book and now this chapter is over. The storm has seemed to pass and I feel all better now. my problem now is that I need to figure out how to cope better with my emotions when I'm in the midst of the storm. I am so lucky to have a partner who knows this about me and accepts it, because when I say pouty, spoiled and bratty.....man, he gets the brunt of it and he doesn't even care.
I remember a friend once telling me how she was saying to someone how it seems like it's always something happening to her - and he told her "Yeah, it's called LIFE." I think that sums it up right there.
Every day can't be sunny. We need rain to make the flowers grow.
disappointment makes me feel like i have less and less control over my own life. like all these outside events have this power over me and that shouldnt be so. i think being flexible and not counting on one thing helps. but yeah life happens all day every day, so we gotta deal!
why u keep changing the damn color. thought i was on someone elses blog.
lol - the pink was too much.
Yes I think disappointment keeps us in check. But don't stress about it too much honey because you're not alone... I hate hearing "No" or having my plans changed. Or am I just spoiled too :(
I thought this was scorpiologists page for a second...you stay changing your background LOL
don't sweat it, it comes with being a female. we have x, y, and spoiled chromosomes. hahahaha
yess were twins.
i like you and riks page. Its nice colors.
I dont mind reading either
yeayayayayay messages
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