Friday, January 25, 2008

Just my thoughts....

- Complete and utter disbelief. How could this happen? WHY did this happen? How could someone be so STUPID! Sometimes I just don't understand why people do the things they do. I hope he knows what he lost. He will NEVER have something like that again. Ever. In life or death. The nerve of some people. She will be OK though. Better to have this happen now then later - right? I think.....I mean, I guess. This sucks.

- I have the heart of an artist and the head of a business woman. You can imagine how I cope in my corporate job. I yearn for freedom and personal expression without the fear of repercussions from "upper management" and the like. Just going outside for a short walk around the parking lot is so freeing to me. I hate being couped up in this box of an office - I think the cube was better; at least it wasn't enclosed.

- Is it fair for me to want to know everything? I mean, I guess people deserve their privacy and right to keep certain things to themselves - but I can't help the fact that I'm inquisitive (a nice way of saying nosy). I think because I've been lied to, deceived, and betrayed in the past, I feel like full disclosure is a prerequisite. Well, maybe not FULL disclosure - but definitely when requested by me. Because if I ask and you don't tell, it looks suspicious. You may just be holding back to keep me at bay - keep me "in check" or what have you. Little does he know - that only makes things worse. Telling me no or not telling me at all - you're probably better off giving me a fully loaded weapon. It probably would have been less painful for you that way.



AMEN to everything you said. I am sooo feeling you.

octoberwildchild said...

i can't even begin to describe to you the agony i want him to be in right now.

keep your walks and your moments and tokens of artistic peace with you... very very close by, even in your office. never allow your best you to be stifled by corporate america.

we're here. even after conversations all i can think is the only way is full and complete disclosure with no boundaries to privacy. the thing is, o hasn't earned distrust.

tigerlily said...

whoa that's deep. Having an outlet to express yourself or blow off steam will keep you balanced...keep writing!

It is fair to want to know everything however it may be unrealistic. He should disclose those things that affect you and your future together. Those things I don't believe count as "privacy".

I pray everything works out for the best.

Unforgettable Moments said...

Insensitive people. You will be ok. You dont want to know everything, Im telling you.