I love that show. I could never be one of three wives, or any number other than 1 for that matter. I do, however, understand how you can love more than one person at the same time.
I find myself thinking about it from time to time, you know, being with more than 1 person. I mean - I love who I am with and wouldn't want to be with anyone else......but......well, I can't explain it. Ok, let me put it like this - and maybe I am immoral, unethical and uncouth for saying this, but I know a lot of people think this way and just don't say it outloud! Anyway, I can love person A, hang out with person B, and my love doesn't change for my main squeeze. It's hard because the thought of someone cheating on me gives me knots in my stomach and I want to cry at the thought - but I can totally understand how you just do things to do them, not feel guilty about it, and not have any less love for the person you are with. Does that make it right - heck no! But I understand. I really don't want to do it, because I beleive in karma and if I don't want it done to me, well.....I better stay faithful.
But different people can give you different feelings, and you can love them in completly different ways, I think. I think it's our selfish nature to want people all to ourselves. I ain't mad at it, cuz I don't wanna share my man either! And as much as it might hurt when someone strays, it really doesn't mean they don't love you - even if that's how we feel. Or shoot, maybe it does and I just don't know it and am in denial. Who knows. I'll do my best to practice fidelity in the meantime.
yes. please stay faithful cuz you don't want to get put out. and i don't want to have go slice somebody up. temptation is only as powerful as we let it be.
Ummm she cant get put out, THATS HER PLACE. One name on that paperwork. But I feel you. I have thought about that plenty of times, its wrong but to some it may truely be nothing. Just something different to do, maybe make you appreciate them more. But Karma is a Batch and sometimes its not worth it.
you are right. I can control myself, but I was just daydreaming, I guess...
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