OK, so I used to be kinda full of myself. Not in a horrible, outlandish way - but more so in the it's all about me, pay me some attention, don't worry about you or anybody else kind of way. You know? I mean, I basically didn't have any self-esteem issues (and still don't - *does the cute girl dance* heeey!) but I have grown and become more thoughtful and tranquil in my need for love and attention.
I do know how to stroke an ego though - since I used to love having mine stroked. I don't enjoy it as much now - although a little stroke from time to time is still cool. I, however, can stroke with the best of them. Call it what you want: ego stroking, gassing up, blowing your head up, or even complimenting - it's all the same. Saying something positive to make someone feel good about themselves. I can only do this about 40% of the time though. Most of the time I just don't feel like it. That's probably that selfish part of me that just won't go away. The other 60% of the time though - I would say only about half of that is sincere.
Because I am a former attention addict, I can tell when somebody else is looking for that rush. As a reformed addict, I don't like to condone that behavior, but I know that everybody is not as advanced as me in that field, so I do have to give in at times just so they get their fix. Those other times though....you ain't getting anything but tough love from me. I won't soothe and appease you just so you feel better. get it somewhere else - sorry.
There was really no point of this post. I just wanted some attention - hahaha!!!
i still crave attention. it's a fatal flaw. but there are a few people who are willing to give it to me as often as i want it, which makes me happy... yeeeeeeah!!!
Do you? I can't tell. Well, not usually.
I need for a person to say things to me over and over and over again. Is that attention seeking. yeah I guess so.
Yeah, I know YOU do.
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