This is how I know I'm not racist -
I get uncomfortable and offended when people use racial slurs that are directed towards other races.
This is how I know I have a positive self image -
Even when I weighed 20 pounds more, I still thought I was cute and nobody could tell me otherwise.
This is how I know I'm not a lesbo -
Even though women are beautiful and all, the thought of one touching me in a sexual way makes my stomach hurt and turns me off completely.
This is how I know I love my friends -
Even when they make me so anrgy I see red, I want to hurry up and get over it so we can talk about something else.
This is how I know I'm not lazy -
Even when I'm on vacation, I can't sit around and do nothing ALL day, I have to get up and move around - I'm too restless.
This is how I know I'm in love -
I let him eat off my plate.
holy shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
you wouldn't let your own children eat off your plate. you don't get anxious to get your food back!?!
this blog was nice. i'm glad your not a lazy, racist, low self-esteemed lesbo.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! It may take me some getting used to, but I think I could let my kids eat off my plate.
wow, that is serious. Awww that is cute. You love him.
I know those things!
heeehee we are friends.
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